
Our Off-grid Production Model

We produce green fuels.
Our chosen path is “off-grid”.

Traditional approaches to decarbonisation rely on ‘electrifying everything’, with a grid powered exclusively by renewables. However, what that means in practice is attempting to put entire economies through electricity grids which were built decades ago and designed to carry a fraction of energy-end use.

95% of planned renewable energy projects never get built due to issues with access to the grid.

Achieving net zero relying purely on the grid simply won’t work.

We propose to disrupt this decarbonisation model - and bypass this outdated infrastructure completely - by going off-grid.


The “off-grid” model provides significantly lower energy costs than conventional approaches to producing green fuel, as well as unrivalled ability to scale.

We have chosen the pioneering off-grid path to bypass outdated grid infrastructure for the following reasons:

Cost competitiveness

By removing the cost and time delay of grid infrastructure, our fuel production is more than 40% cheaper than conventional approaches, providing more affordable fuels for our customers


Traditionally access to the grid is the constraint to scale, but through our off-grid model we can build gigawatt projects at Hyperscale


Additionality and transparency are fundamental to delivering high-integrity emission reductions - our projects are additional by design and deliver 91% emission reduction on a lifecycle basis.

By removing the cost and time delay of grid infrastructure, our fuel production is more than 40% cheaper than conventional approaches, providing more affordable fuels for our customers

Through this model, we can harvest the equivalent of 40,000 Tesla model 3’s worth of renewable energy every day.

Our Values

We believe successful execution in this pioneering space comes down to three key things - and we embody these in all that we do:

Speed and scale: we believe the world needs to do more, now, faster than ever.

We learn through doing and being first and fast enables us to build cutting edge IP which we can deploy as we scale. We started early so we have a first mover advantage… but we also need to maintain our pace through attracting the best talent who share our ambition of a rapid trajectory to Hyperscale.

Innovation: not only in our model, but in everything we do.

We started with no legacy assets, and no embedded thinking - so being bold and trying out different things is in our core. This means that we deploy data to make the best decisions, always conduct A-B testing to improve and optimise, and most importantly, we deploy 10x thinking - we are going for Hyperscale, not incremental improvement. We aren’t encumbered by what has been done before - we innovate through being bold.

Shared benefits: We want to do well by doing good.

We believe our projects will only be sustainable if everyone involved benefits.  Firstly, the decision to go green needs to make commercial sense for all of our partners and stakeholders. And secondly, we seek to act respectfully and inclusively wherever we operate. We believe that ultimately a more transparent, more generous partnership-based approach enables us to move faster and build stronger, more sustainable relationships with our partners for the long run.


We developed our business model with sustainability at the heart. We make hydrogen using renewable energy which is additional, and developed exclusively for this purpose. This means that we don’t cannibalise existing renewable energy from the grid, and we definitely don’t use grid electricity that stems from coal or natural gas fired power stations.

We use CO2 which has been captured from the air with a short lifecycle, meaning that we create a circular CO2 model with a closed loop from combustion to capture.

Our fuels are compliant with European and US green fuel certification criteria, including provisions set out in the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive and US Inflation Reduction Act.

On a lifecycle basis from “well-to-wake” or “sun-to-wake”, our product is 91% less emissions intensive than using conventional heavy fuel oil in ships.. One of our projects reduces CO2 emissions by ~250,000 tCO2eq per year.

We will develop 10M tonnes of green fuels production within 10 years. The resulting CO2 reduction will equate to 3% of global shipping emissions.


Our team combines deep technical, project development, financing and commercial expertise across the hydrogen value chain.

Ana Gea

Project Lead, Spain

Anthony Wang


Bren Moore

Director, US Development

Felix Leworthy


Dr. Houriyeh Shadmehr

Principal Power System Engineer

Ishfaq Sheikh

Electrical Engineer

Lara Naqushbandi


Makell Matney

Director, U.S. Projects

Neil Butler

Director, Engineering

Patrick Woodson

Chief Development Officer US

Paulo Amante

Chief Development Officer Europe

Russell Smith

Director, Projects

Simon Stanbridge

SVP Projects

Frank Sauerhofer

Senior PtX Engineer

Hana Ross

COO and Chief Legal Officer


The ETFuels team is rounded out by an elite advisory board with extensive experience in financing complex energy projects and the shipping industry:

Dominic Emery

Former Chief of Staff and Head of Strategy at bp

Giorgio Furlani

CEO AC Milan Football Club

Peder Bratt

Former Partner Energy Warburg Pincus

Toby Forrest

Former Head of Shipping Rio Tinto